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Text File | 1995-06-16 | 27.4 KB | 557 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#30/Xanadu
- =================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
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- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- One-line blurb
- The Abstract
- What is Xanadu?
- The New Literature
- Xanadu Publishing
- Setting Up a Stand
- PAX Front End Demo
- Further Reading
- One-line blurb
- --------------
- by Ian Feldman (71%)
- First Xanadu stand opens Jan. 1993, El Camino Rd, Palo Alto CA. Be
- there.
- The Abstract
- ------------
- Ted Nelson's worldwide open-hypertext-publishing network, Xanadu,
- has once again been delayed. The version described in Literary
- Machines 87.1, etc., has been completed, but put on the shelf due
- to the absence of some key software mechanisms. The new prototype
- of the single-user back-end server software is in Smalltalk that
- will compile down to C to run on essentially all types of
- machines. That's the nitty-gritty of the keynote lecture at the
- first stop of Ted Nelson's 1990 World Tour (complete with
- beautifully embroidered black satin jackets), the 'Multimedia 90'
- conference, held in Linkoping, Sweden on September 10th.
- Ted Nelson: "In 1987 [...] that small fraction of the computer
- field that knew of Xanadu was very much astonished when they heard
- that the AutoDesk Company [57% world market share in CAD programs]
- had actually bought the project, and they'd be even more
- astonished if they knew how many millions of dollars AutoDesk has
- put into it since, which I can't tell you but it is 'several.'"
- They now work on performance and related parameters, so that
- online deliveries might take place "while the user is still
- awake." The FEBE (front-end-to-back-end terminal access) protocol
- has yet to be finalized though. We're to expect a LAN-version of
- the xanalogical storage server to be introduced on the market in
- 1991, with a few front-end programs available from AutoDesk, Inc.
- (the Macintosh version is being written by Mark $ Miller, so we're
- apparently in good hands).
- The first public-access Xanadu vending point in Palo Alto in '93
- will be followed six months later by a sister installation at
- Chico State University, then in some yet undecided "Country Two,"
- in few more American states, then worldwide.
- What is Xanadu?
- ---------------
- Ultimately it may take an astrologer or a sun-spot specialist to
- find a plausible explanation for the remarkable two weeks in the
- fall of 1960 when Ted Nelson figured it all out. Because that's
- when he first defined what may eventually be recognized as the
- true beginnings of the coming new paradigm, The Age of the Unified
- Data Structure.
- The Unified Data Structure is an entirely new world-class paradigm
- all of Nelson's own doing, even though his life achievements up to
- now have mainly consisted of making visionary waves, giving new
- meaning to the term 'vaporware' and siring probably the most
- stolen book in history ['Computer Lib']. He's also know for
- generally muddying the clear minds of inexperienced programming
- youth. Some may recall a similar accusation that once did in
- Socrates, bringing him the death sentence in due democratic
- process by his peers. Or were they really his peers?
- Had you been reading this in Xanadu chances are that you'd never
- finish the rest of the sentence, instead zooming off to dictionary
- entries on Socrates, source writings on Athens democracy, and
- collections of commentaries by later contributors. All that and
- more, the entire written, whispered, telegraphed, and filmed
- record of the civilization as we know it, instantly available at
- the fingertips from your own Xanadu home terminal or from a nearby
- Public Access Xanadu vending store at Desolution Hwy and Fifth.
- Because that is exactly what Nelson's paradigm promises: the
- tablets of Babylon, the scrolls of Alexandria, the NFL polls of
- all seasons, down to the preserved napkin-doodles of Einstein,
- Curie, and Springsteen, all in one LOGICAL, easily accessible
- place at the end of an existing-bandwidth telephone wire.
- That's Xanadu in a nutshell, and it finally appears to be on the
- verge of fulfillment after 30 years spent in the realm of gee-whiz
- ideas. Moreover, what it will eventually confront us with will be
- an entire new type of literature, a "transclusive fragment writing
- and publishing system," first defined in those fateful weeks in
- 1960.
- The New Literature
- ------------------
- And what are those mysterious 'transclusive fragments?' Ted Nelson
- has a definition ready for the term he coined two years ago;
- finally giving The Vision the right generic name. Transclusion is
- a way to include, to quote, parts of a document without losing its
- current (or any subsequent) contexts, and without it becoming a
- physical part of the new text (which could be a movie,
- hyperfiction document, you name it). In this fashion one might see
- all newly formulated or recorded texts, data, sounds, pictures as
- future 'boilerplate paragraphs' or fragments, available for
- viewing, digesting, and transclusion in new works.
- And then these fragments will be available cheaply, instantly, and
- in principle to all, because there will be no one deciding who
- might or might not be a worthy commentator. In present-day times
- the possibility of quoting, adding to, or paraphrasing someone
- else's work is always a function of access, time, and effort spent
- searching for the relevant parts, a process that by its very
- definition limits the possible number of contributions and
- contributors. It doesn't have to be that way.
- Consider literature. "There is this incredibly powerful instrument
- called 'literature' that was invented long ago, which we don't
- see, don't recognize how powerful the design [of] it really is,
- don't think of it as a system, because it is THAT good, we just
- say 'oh, that's just the way it is.'"
- But what is this 'literature?' "It is a system of interconnected
- ideas," the accumulated record of humanity, pile upon pile of
- writings, from the earliest of times. A record that each
- subsequent generation builds upon, indexes, nails on the doors of
- cathedrals, abstracts, rearranges, burns at the stake, folds,
- spindles, and mutilates. Of this literature we're usually only
- aware of that thin slice that we're physically able to interact
- with, pore over despite overdue notes, make comments in the
- margins of, wrap a fish in, feel offended on the subway by, clip,
- file and forget. Nominally it also chiefly means handling
- documents made out of paper.
- Now, when Ted Nelson says 'literature' he "doesn't mean paper,
- paper documents, and he doesn't mean TEXT either." All of today's
- "halfway" (information-handling) systems work on the assumption
- that paper is the basis and the desired end result. Nelson thinks
- of paper as "just an object that [some] information has been
- sprayed onto in the past [...] In today's offices you'll get a
- printout at the end and then some secretary will go over and put
- some little white paint on something that's wrong and correct it
- because getting that paper right is regarded as the objective. And
- that means that the computer files are never correct, they are
- always an approximation." Alas, "as long as the paper-sprayed
- version of a document is seen as the final destination no one
- really cares about keeping the computer versions of the same
- information canonical or correct."
- Xanadu Publishing
- -----------------
- Then there is the problem of the many modalities available for
- presentation. Many are available, but none are on speaking terms
- with each other. Text documents are those made up of words on
- paper. Motion-picture documents, which we call 'movies,' consist
- of picture sequences that have been recorded on film. Sound
- documents, which could be words and melody, mumbled by a voice to
- music on an LP, all are different modes of conveying the
- information that they contain. Still, all these belong to the same
- "word-picture-continuum" and to Nelson are of one realm. Therefore
- we need to have facilities to be able to treat them as such. "That
- means a paradigm shift which in turn means our being able to deal
- with change in a new way."
- As far as paradigms are concerned, Tomas Kuhn's work, 'The
- Structure of Scientific Revolutions,' has always fascinated and
- influenced Nelson. Kuhn tells of "the real arguments between
- scientific opponents being all about paradigm boundaries. If one
- sees an existing paradigm as a coordinate space, a finite area,
- then a radical new idea may be perceived as a paradigm threat, and
- the distance between the old and the new one termed 'the paradigm
- gap'."
- Consider WYSIWYG [What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get], "the most inane
- propaganda, the foolish, defensive response to tie a computer
- down, the 'paper simulator' used to enshrine two-dimensionality of
- paper on a computer screen" [right on, man!]. By recognizing the
- limitations of the existing paper-as-record paradigm we prepare
- ourselves for the coming new literature, one that's accessible in
- a uniform and painless way, one that allows us to contribute to it
- on equal terms, rather than those defined by the technological
- constraints of production and distribution.
- In open-hypertext publishing "anyone will be able to add [publish]
- a document which links to or quotes from any other [existing]
- document. Freely. Anybody, or else we'd have to decide at the
- system level who would be a worthy contributor and who would not,
- and neither you nor I are fit to decide who that might be. The
- only alternative is to say that everyone is a worthy contributor,
- everyone's contributions are in principle welcomed."
- And those contributions may then be in the form of the
- contributor's own choosing an essay by someone enhanced with voice
- comments (How? That's a front-end input problem.), a video
- sequence accompanied by blow-ups with notes, a diagram attached to
- a screenful of data, pointing out your own (r)evolutionary
- insights, all instantly available on the network from the moment
- they are published.
- These contributions will be available as an ordinary byte-stream,
- easy to distribute at the speed of the delivery network of the
- day, which is bound to get faster and faster as technology
- progresses. Available in a network that might eventually contain
- most of our ever-recorded intellectual heritage, that might grow
- to allow unlimited number of simultaneous users, consist of
- unlimited number of servers, documents, links, transclusions and
- fragments requested. And all of these fitting within the
- logarithmic-shape 'soft corridor' [LM 87.1 4/2] of the performance
- degradation curve, so that delivery times will NOT increase
- proportionally with the size of the 'docuverse.'
- Indeed, if delays doubled in step with the doubling of the
- available document mass, "maneuvering through this vast and
- forever growing forest of vines" would become unthinkable. "The
- way that this curve deteriorates is a fundamental point which had
- to be addressed in the initial design of the data structure and
- the algorithms." Thus Xanadu has been "designed backwards from the
- performance requirements of [such a future] network scale-up"
- [with allowances for additional delays from servers in space,
- where "speed-of-light considerations become significant" - LM 87.1
- 2/57].
- Closer to Earth, any published (or MADE PUBLIC) document will be
- accessible almost instantly from any Xanadu public access
- location, or from any connected terminal of a suitable type.
- Obviously, some general-purpose, relatively unsophisticated home
- computers might be able to run a front-end to Xanadu, but be
- unable to handle all types of documents (such as animated video).
- Still, one would most certainly have an option to display named
- stills from linked video sequences along with the streaming-text
- data on the same monitor.
- Or, rather, on a high-resolution TV screens. Upon taking a college
- course in 'Computers for the Social Studies' during those weeks in
- 1960 Nelson discovered that "they've got it all wrong, these were
- not some 'computer terminals,' these were great MOVIE PROJECTORS,
- behind whose screens one could create chambers where all the
- thoughts could be found."
- Indeed, the world of movies has a lot in common with that of
- software design - the latter in itself a highly structured form of
- creative writing. To be exact, Ted Nelson considers software
- design to be a branch of cinema. "The cinema-analogy is not an
- analogy, it is a statement of fact. Software design ought to be
- taught in film schools. Do you know who'd have made the greatest
- software designer of the century? Orson Welles, no doubt about it,
- if he'd understood what it was about. Because writing software
- requires cinematic imagination with the grasp of the possibilities
- of writing, a grasp of the possibilities of diagrams, a grasp of
- the possibilities of animation, a grasp of the possibilities of
- interaction. And Welles was a superb writer..."
- Setting Up a Stand
- ------------------
- Back to our open hypertext publishing. "The notion of a [clearly
- delimited] document is an important one, really a social and
- psychological mechanism, fine, we keep that because literature is
- a system of documents which works. Xanadu will provide the feeder,
- storage and delivery mechanism that will enrich and electronify
- this system, with linkage and transclusions providing a
- representation for the previous implicit [idea-inter-]
- connections. Before we could say 'such and such author has said so
- and so and now I would like to show why and where she is wrong,'
- but now in Xanadu you can simply add 'such and such author has
- said it' and bingo!, you can go there and see it right away."
- Indeed, he thinks of Xanadu as of "that magic place of literary
- memory where nothing is [ever] lost."
- Among the most important aspects of the system is the automatic
- royalty due on every fragment delivered. "Every document will
- contain a built-in 'cash register' [...] but the system only works
- if the price is low. If the price is high then different users
- will [use and] hand each other dated [paper] copies. If the price
- is low it'll be more convenient for each user to get [same]
- material anew from the system." Indeed, the cost of fetching and
- reading a document from the system should be minute in comparison
- with other methods. And the royalties for accessing that document
- will be advanced to all the authors of there transcluded
- fragments, if applicable, in proportion to the byte-content of
- their respective contribution.
- In fact, the very act of 'publishing a document' will mean signing
- a [written] contract with a Xanadu storage vendor, in which the
- author (i.e., the publisher) explicitly gives permission for
- anyone to link to, to transclude his or her material freely.
- Nelson explains that "you have no control over that. However, you
- have absolute control over the integrity of your document and you
- can give instructions to the reader as to how they should view it
- and so on. Of course, since it is sent down the line to the viewer
- we have no idea whether they're gonna do that... but that's OK,
- the whole point is they're buying the rights [to view it] every
- time."
- When an author publishes a Xanadu document, he or she pays a small
- fee to a Xanadu storage vendor for three years' minimum storage on
- the disks (on three different servers, for backup and mean
- distance content distribution reasons). The author decides what
- gets published, when and where. The author also bears the sole
- legal responsibility for that publication's content. If the
- document includes something that "wrongs other people or wrongs
- the government, breaks the law, [then it is you, not the vendor]
- who gets caught." The vendor's legal position is that of "a
- contract printer's or a truck driver's."
- So how does one become a storage vendor, which is almost like
- getting a license to print money, anyway? The Public Access Xanadu
- organization, which Ted Nelson still owns, will empower national
- licensing organizations, which will in turn license (or franchise)
- individual operators, the storage vendors, franchising being the
- fastest method to expand without losing control of an enterprise.
- And here's where the magic ends and real life begins: "to set up a
- Xanadu stand you'll have to put up [some] $200,000 and then HAVE
- TO WORK PERSONALLY in the stand, 10 to 12 hours a day... we're
- gonna go strictly by McDonald's rule (of personal daily
- participation by the owner). Different places will handle the
- problem of food and snacks differently though... also my lawyer
- reminds me to tell you that this is not an offer to sell, merely a
- conjectural discussion."
- Though "the objective is to create one mighty server for the whole
- world" it by no means follows that all the servers on the network
- have to be alike. On the contrary, many different types of servers
- will be possible, and many will be present: "computers that are
- set up to deliver certain kind of things, render-servers for
- graphic images, file-servers for the normal documents and so on,"
- all running the same back-end feeder software, delivering
- fragments across the network, keeping track of dues. Nor will the
- Xanadu organization be creating/publishing the literature, filling
- the network with the food for thought and income-fodder. For that
- individual entrepreneurs will be needed.
- If a future Xanadu vendor believes there is better return in, say,
- deliveries (sales) of weather-data, fine, let his set up say, a
- 'Boreas Real-Time Weather Server' on the network and start
- courting weather-data producers to make their results available to
- the public by publishing them on his server. Then the vendor can
- attract users of such data, and get them to request the data at
- whatever intervals they might require, for whatever purposes they
- might have, in whatever forms or contexts they might desire.
- Thus a following flow of income could be envisioned (provided that
- there is a market demand for said type of data): owners of the
- weather-images become publishers for a fee proportional to the
- physical size of their data on the storage vendor's media. The
- storage vendor will wish to maximize his sizeable initial
- investment by making his own premises attractive for the public to
- visit and appealing to prospective future publishers, who are
- looking for suitable/genre-specialized storage sites to publish
- at/rent space from. It is in the vendor's self interest to try to
- find potential users for the deposited weather data and to promote
- use of them, since ultimately he'll be receiving a percentage on
- each and every fragment sent to and from his server. Nothing, of
- course, hinders the publishers from promoting use of their data
- themselves. The publishers receive royalty on each fragment
- delivered, proportional to the requested fragment's size, which
- accumulates in their account, thus covering the costs of
- publication and storage and, hopefully, making a profit. The
- users, finally, get to view/use their data and have a shot at
- subsequent (part-)royalties on any material that they elect to
- enhance via linkage and/or publish themselves (for a fee, etc...).
- Furthermore: any user without access to a personal terminal will
- be able to open an account at a local Xanadu vending stand, with
- facilities for browsing, reading, viewing and printing out the
- requested fragments (the facilities meaning primarily high
- resolution, high quality, high speed, ergonometric terminals and
- peripheral equipment in a "pleasantly painted," futurico-spacey
- setting, "the bridge of the Enterprise, [...] with a pleasant
- helper in a polyester suit nearby" [not joking]). The monthly bill
- will then consist of a basic fee, as well as fees for connect
- time, data delivery (data delivery will include royalty on every
- fragment), storage fees (if Xanadu disks are being rented) (for
- the deposition of private data, mail, etc.), and possible
- publication fees, MINUS royalties (if publications have been read,
- linked to, or transcluded).
- With the system not yet in existence it is difficult to predict
- the monthly cost for a Joe or an Adina User. Still, as Nelson
- repeatedly points out, the system has to be affordable to the
- general public. He's not worried about lack of potential users
- either; "his problem is with dealing with the demand [that] he
- already has... 100,000 people out there who want it tomorrow,
- TOMORROW. The first XU stand will only have 30 ports [modem lines,
- with another perhaps 20 terminal points inside the store], and in
- six months [the network] may grow to at most 500 ports, 1000
- ports, which is not enough to service the people he already has,
- already wanting the service, and certainly not enough to service
- the number of people who will want it by then." To be exact,
- "there are more than 50 people, who have already paid 100 dollars
- each for a Xandle, a user-name on the network" (mentioned in LM
- 87.1 0/-10), the very same one that has yet to come into being,
- and then "may yet turn out to be a flop."
- Similarly with the critical mass of documents... there is already
- so much available online in existing electronic networks. Still,
- he'll be out there, "preaching and proselytizing to potential
- publishers, trying to find the most leverage in terms of getting
- it off the ground. One group [that] he'll be approaching will be
- the free-lance photographers, because here is a group [of people]
- that have a lot of bits to distribute and no existing channels
- except for magazines. So they have to go through editors, spend a
- lot of money making portfolios to leave with editors for a time,
- and maybe the editor looks at it and maybe he doesn't. So Xanadu
- publishing gives them an immediate new way to get their
- photographs out there where other people can see them." Camera
- owners, do take note.
- PAX Front End Demo
- ------------------
- That said, we were then treated to a quickie demo, "made few days
- ago," in MacroMind Director (I think), projected off a Macintosh
- with color screen. First we saw how an animated sequence of a 1960
- Parallel Textface version might have looked on upper-case
- alphanumerics-only screens of that time [LM 87.1 4/76], then a
- static view of a later QFrame, edge-linked text-tiles [LM 87.1
- 4/77]. Then "a 'rigged demo,' where only certain parts function,
- so you have to know where to point and click; a quickie, very
- rudimentary demo of a [modern] Xanadu front-end, of which many
- visualizations are possible." The initial image showed three
- rectangular buttons arranged horizontally along the upper part of
- the black viewport, labelled Journal, Projects, and Publications,
- as well as three vertically placed ones along the left edge,
- labelled ToDo, Schedule, Coresp (spelled that way).
- Clicking on the Projects button on the screen made a menu unfurl,
- displaying the following items (invisible from any distance, had
- to work real hard to get it all down; may not be exact):
- Show Docuverse
- Show Personal Collection
- Select Endset
- Show Linkset
- Renegotiate Specs
- Show Individual Link
- Next, clicking
- 'Show Docuverse' displayed a space darkness, filled with small
- white rectangles of various (4-character-cell at best) sizes.
- 'Show Personal Collection' showed a subset of that; i.e., most of
- the white specs disappeared.
- 'Select Endset' opened a white square window halfway down the
- screen, with the name of the selected document (one of possible
- list of docs?) and the name of author in smaller, separate side
- rectangles. A third windoid still, below the square one, contained
- a type of document 'Technical specifications' or something
- similar.
- 'Show Linkset' displayed a collection of thin blue lines, arranged
- in a fan from the document's square to the right-hand edge of
- screen. A small rectangle, superimposed across it, told of the
- number of recorded links, some 44,600-odd.
- 'Renegotiate Specs' (specs not supplied) made this fan thinner,
- down to some hundred lines. Finally, clicking the
- 'Show Individual Link' button and then on one of these lines
- opened another windoid below the main square one, with the
- linkee's name and the type of link made to the original text
- ('technical comment'). Now, presumably, one could request the
- comment or some additional information about it (size, date, etc.)
- from the back-end, had there been one in existence nearby (and if
- the linkee's name sounded familiar? trustworthy? or whatever-the
- sublimal-feeling-selection-method-of-the-day).
- That was it. The concluding screen showed large bluish PAX (Public
- Access Xanadu) letters, with a zooming take of a street in
- perspective inside the 'A.' The 'PAX' was framed by the words
- 'Welcome Home' above and 'Everyone' below. Weeelll, maybe. Then
- again maybe not. I wouldn't know, I've got to keep an appointment
- for a fitting of that damn polyester suit.
- all double-quoted contributions by Ted Nelson (29%)
- all [LM 87.1 chapter/page] pointers refer to the 87.1 edition
- Further Reading
- ---------------
- Literary Machines, book by Ted Nelson describing the Xanadu
- concept & methodology, latest edition 90.1, new edition coming
- shortly, postpaid US$ 25 US (US$ 40 foreign) from Mindful Press,
- 3020 Bridgeway #295, Sausalito CA 94965
- Literary Machines, the 87.1 Macintosh hypertext edition on disk,
- available from OWL International Inc., 14218 NE 21st Street,
- Bellevue WA 98007
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines, by Ted Nelson, a '1987 revised &
- updated' reprint of the original 1974 edition, Tempus
- Books/Microsoft Press
- For information on the forthcoming Xanadu software from AutoDesk
- contact Xanadu Operating Company, Palo Alto CA, tel. [+1] (415)
- 856-4112
- To get on the mailing list for PAX developments write to Public
- Access Xanadu at the Mindful Press' address above or contact their
- EC representative Elisabeth Davenport (c/o Department of
- Information Science, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK tel.
- [+44] (041) 552-4400 x3700, fax (041) 553-1393
- Explicitly referred to in the lecture:
- Alfred Korzybski (an eccentric philosopher whose best known work
- is 'Science and Sanity, An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian
- Systems and General Semantics,' (1933), last ed. Boston, 1980).
- Tomas Kuhn (introduced 'paradigm' in science; wrote 'The Structure
- of Scientific Revolutions,' Chicago, 1970)
- K. Eric Drexler (shortly re-joining the Xanadu development team,
- wrote 'Engines of Creation, The Coming Era of Nanotechnology,'
- 1986)
- Buckminster Fuller, Bertrand Russel - his teen age idols
- Xanadu, XU, Xanadu Stand, Parallel Textface, Qframe - trademarks
- of XOC Inc.
- Macintosh - a trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
- Snacks eaten by the author during writing supplied by Goteborgs
- Kex AB.
- ..
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